Christmas party 2024

Alan receiving his award of the G2DPL Valve from Lynda

Welcome to Bury Radio Society G3BRS

The Bury Radio Society was formed in 1938 and is affiliated with the Radio Society of Great Britain.

Click here to visit our Utube page

 or follow our Facebook page.

Our members range from those who are just starting out in amateur radio to those who have decades of practical experience.


Members enjoying our Christmas Party on the 3rd of December.





Alan receiving his award of the G2DPL Valve from Lynda


Alan G4FZP receiving the G2DPL award from Lynda on the 3rd of December at our Christmas Party.







On Tuesday the 19th of November Antony M7FGZ was presented with his Brickworks award by Lynda G6QA our chair.



Tuesday the 12th of November was a Vintage night and many pieces of equipment where on show as seen below….

  • Vintage night stand
    Ham Gear

  On Tuesday the 15th of October Antony M7FGZ gave a nice explanation of a Hotspot and how to build one.


Two members receiving their certificates for Brickworks at the club.

Jessica M7NGT and Paul M7JAP with Lynda club chairlady.


CHOTA event 14th of September at Ainsworth Methodist Church.

  • Ainsworth Methodist Church.

Many thanks to the organisers and to the Church for allowing us to use the area for this event.


Falshaw’s Farm Saturday 24th of August.

Alan’s talk on Tuesday 20th of August..

Click the image below for our Space Weather page.




  • Members meeting prior to Alan's talk.
    ....................Members meeting prior to Alan's talk.








Tuesday the 6th of August was a demo by Alan G4FZP explaining the 991 TxRx.

This was an evening with a good turn out by members.



Two images of projects in progress by members in our Great BRS Construction challenge .




Our recent visit to NARSA in Blackpool.


Geoff G8OFI giving his talk on SWR to an interested audience.


Ian G0VGS gave a zoom talk entitled ” An introduction to Digital voice. “

( See our Events page for the Video. )


Alan G4FZP commencing his talk on APRS.












Welcome to our nets…join us or just listen in.


Flag Counter

Our rig when we are active.Our FTdx3000 rig when we are active on the bands.


Club Activities……


Made by Rosie 





Tuesday the 14th is a talk by Steve M0KSE from BWC entitled SCAM12 mast from rebuild to Reuse

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