Videos and Slideshows.

We had a video presentation for the completion of Alan’s recent talks.

On the 4th of June….

The Superhet and here is a complementary utube video

Thanks to W2AEW for making this available on utube.


Mixing and frequency generation.

A talk by Alan G4FZP 

On our utube channel




Tuesday the 7th of May we had a talk on Modulation and you can see the video by clicking below….



Modulation a talk by G4FZP





Ian G7PAV giving a talk on APRS, click the links below..

Check our “Gallery” in the menu to see all the slides for this talk under APRS.







G4FZP Alan’s talk on being a BBC engineer on 6th of February.

Click this link for the video

Check out our Gallery for all the photo’s.




An introduction to digital voice – Ian Maude G0GVS.from Northwest Fusion group, via zoom. 16th of January 2024.

Click here for the utube video.



Geoff G8OFI giving his talk  An introduction to digital Logic and Microprocessors.



An introduction to APRS. A talk by Alan G4FZP on 21st of November 2023. Watch our video here.






Restoring Vintage equipment.



Watch our utube video here.




Vintage equipment night.


Watch our utube video by clicking here.






Previous solder practice evening.



Down to Earth ..a talk by Alan G4FZP

Valves….why bother

Heaton Park Fox Hunt 25th of July 2023.



Prestwich Clough Day 26th of March


Power Supplies by Geoff G8OFI.


Bletchley Park 9th of July 2020. Click below.

A visit by members of Bury Radio Society.


We enjoy construction. Click for the slide show.


Click below for the required slideshow from our past.

 Views from 2019 @ BRS.

A previous visit to Prestwich clough.

Building a Superhet.