
  • 06
    6th April 2021

    James Clerk Maxwell - His Life, Achievements and Legacy

    20:00 -22:00

    James Clerk Maxwell – His Life, Achievements and Legacy


    James Clerk Maxwell became one of the most emanate physicists of the 19th century and arguably sits along with great names such as Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. Best remembered for establishing the relationship between electric and magnet fields and the existence of propagating electromagnetic waves, paving the way for the pioneering development of radio communication systems which are so essential in today’s technology and the hobby we enjoy.


    David G0BCU will look at his early life, academic career, notable achievements and those who continued his work after his early death. Finally, his talk would not be complete without visiting Maxwell’s Equations, David will explain the significance of these equations in an easy to understand way.


    David’s working career spanned 45 years in electrical engineering design becoming a Principal Engineer. He is a Chartered Electrical Engineer (C.Eng) and member of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. He is also a member of WARC.


    Watch it now:

    (Hosted by Warrington ARC, with Bury Radio Society)

  • 13
    13th April 2021

    An Evening with Bob Heil K9EID

    20:00 -22:00

    An Evening with Bob Heil K9EID

    We were very excited to welcome the legendary Bob Heil K9EID to speak to us.

    Bob Heil is a sound and radio engineer most well-known for creating the template for modern rock sound systems. He founded the company Heil Sound in 1966, which went on to create unique touring sound systems for bands such as The Grateful Dead, The Who, Humble Pie and invented the high powered Talk Box for Peter Frampton. Bob has been an innovator in the field of amateur radio, manufacturing micro- phones and satellite dishes for broadcasters and live sound engineers. He has won multiple awards and honors, and in 2007 he became the first manufacturer to be invited to exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

    Bob is well known in the theatre organ circles, beginning his career at the age of 15 playing the FOX theatre Wurlitzer in St Louis. In 2014, Bob Heil was awarded an honorary doctoral degree in Music and Technology from the University of Missouri.


    Watch it now on YouTube:

    (Bury Radio Society, with Warrington ARC)

  • 20
    20th April 2021

    The Unusual Club of the FBK

    20:00 -21:00

    The Unusual Club of the FBK

    This talk-presentation on LA1ASK, by Peter Ebsworth, LB0K & G8CBK, was about the history of broadcasting around the city of Bergen and especially of the transmitting site at Erdal. The first MW AM TX was thrown up in a part of the city, then finally moved to a site giving coverage to the city centre and to the westerly coastal area. Having been shut down in 1978 its ‘rescue’ from demolition was partly due to a member of the Bergen Group of NRRL. A number of members from this group are now some of those providing guidance and research into the history of the installation. These people keep an eye on the buildings and contents in return for using the building as a clubhouse. The Telefunken TX itself is still untouched, and in situ, it is a good illustration of the efforts put into glorifying technological advances still in the 20s and 30s. The Marconi transmitter is also still in place in the basement. One of the remits we have is to continue broadcasting from the site, as a museum activity and to keep a (national) presence on the Medium Waves, this is fulfilled on the two frequencies of 1314 and 1611KHz. We are now using more modern FET based transmitters. We also have the concession for 830KHz, and are active on FM 93.8MHz with another concession.

    (Hosted by Warrington ARC, with Bury Radio Society)

  • 25
    25th April 2021

    QSO Party

    All day

    QSO Party

    Hi everyone, cast your minds back to a wet Sunday last August when G0GPH Peter organised a club QSO Party.

    Lots of members went to various locations and worked / M or /P plus lots of ops stayed at home, well, another Club QSO Party will be held on Sunday 25th April 2021, the wx looks ok for that day, and hopefully it will stay fine for us.

    If you are operating /M or /P, please let me know where you will be, not much good if everyone goes up th’ill to Owd Betts,I’ll be going up Winter Hill on Matchmoor Lane, please let me know where your going to be so that I can put a list up of locations.

    The last QSO Party was a great success, even though the wx at times was really bad, looking forward to compiling a list of locations.

    G6QA Lynda V Jopson

  • 27
    27th April 2021

    Does price buy Performance or Satisfaction in an HF Transceiver?

    20:00 -22:00

    Does price buy Performance or Satisfaction in an HF Transceiver?

    Frank Howell K4FMH presents a fascinating insight into our modern HF rigs looking at their price, their performance as measured by Rob Sherwood and reviews on Do you get what you pay for? Are expensive transceivers really worth it? Join us on this presentation to find out.

    Frank has an enthusiasm for electronics and radio that spans over six decades. He serves as the ARRL Assistant Director (Delta Division) and is an ardent amateur radio podcaster and journalist.


    Watch it now:


    (Bury Radio Society, with Warrington ARC)

  • 04
    4th May 2021

    uBITX V6 - Club Project

    20:00 -22:00

    uBITX V6 – Club Project

    The current version (v6) of this popular HF SSB/CW transceiver kit was adopted as a club project earlier this year and club members will share their experiences and thoughts after building this rig.

    Steve, M0MOI will give an overview of the unit and some thoughts on the superheterodyne approach. Dave, G8KBB will present measurements on Mike’s, G4VSS completed rig and Peter, G4LLG will look back at his earlier version of the radio and show some mods and software alternatives.

    Details of the project are posted on the WARC website.

    Tuesday 4th May 8PM BST (1900 UTC)

    Watch it now:

    (Warrington Amateur Radio Club with Bury Radio Society)

  • 11
    11th May 2021

    The Making of a Multiband Vertical Antenna - Callum M0MCX, DX Commander

    20:00 -21:00

    The Making of a Multiband Vertical Antenna – Callum M0MCX, DX Commander

    Join us for a very entertaining and informative evening with no other than Callum M0MCX, DX Commander – a YouTube celebrity no less.

    Callum will be talking to us about how he designed and made a multiband vertical antenna, explaining how it works, and what kind of performance to expect. A multiband vertical antenna can offer great performance with a very limited footprint, and with the added versatility that it can operate on multiple bands. Visit him here:


    Watch it now on YouTube:

    (Hosted by Bury Radio Society with Warrington Amateur Radio Club)

  • 18
    18th May 2021

    Club Night Natter for Bury Radio Society members

    20:00 -21:00

    Club Night Natter for Bury Radio Society members

    We will have an opportunity to just generally get together, on Zoom, with our mugs or glasses at hand, to have a natter. So it’s mainly just for Bury Radio Society for this one. (Warrington ARC are also having a similar evening for their own club on this night too.)

    The months ahead will see our world opening up, and with us doing more things. So it will be great for us to hear what we are planning on getting up to.



Weekly Nets: FM, 144.550MHz, Sundays 6pm, Thursdays 8pm. All welcome.