The Bury Radio Society was formed in 1938 and is affiliated with the Radio Society of Great Britain.

Our members range from those who are just starting out in amateur radio to those who have decades of practical experience.

Geoff starts his talk.

2nd of May talk by Geoff on Power Supplies.

Members enjoying the evening 2nd of May.

Our setup on Sunday 23rd of April with four members attending and on standby for the start.

Geoff explaining Diodes to the assembled company. Another successful and informative evenings entertainment.

Geoff awaiting various questions from his audience. Many thanks to Geoff.

Alan G4FZP begins his talk on Transformers

Passing round the transformer to show how heavy it is on Tuesday the 4th of April.
Tuesday’s ( 7/3 ) talk by Laurence G4KLT.

See our Project page ( under Events/Project page )for a companion guide for those who will be making the Shack Clock by Alan G4FZP.
Here is an example of the Ham Clock in action.

Tuesday 15th of November was a talk on Inductors and Capacitors with laurence G4KLT and Alan G4FZP

Soldering Evening on the 27th of September overseen by Alan G4FZP.
Listening to Alan’s explanation of the bits and bobs.
Getting started.
Desoldering is as important as the initial soldering.

How good is your power supply..by Alan G4FZP
Tuesday’s talk, 23rd of August.

Alan G4FZP giving a talk on shack safety in general.

Lynda G6QA ( GQ6QA this month ) explaining our entry into the RSGB Brickworks programme of events.

Above is our visit to Prestwich Clough this weekend on Sunday the 22nd of May.
Welcome from Lynda ( Chair ) on Sunday the 22nd of May.
Malcolm relaxing during the afternoon.

Alan G4FZP giving another great chat on Tuesday the 10th on Urban Aerials.

Eddystone 640.
This week at the club Alan G4FZP gave a talk on his recent restoration of an Eddystone 640 shortwave receiver from 1947. Images below of the evening.
Members attending the demo.
Inside components.
Closer front view.

Lynda G6QA starting the Morse night’s chat.

Our last talk by Lawrence (G4KLT) on “How to properly make RF connectors” a few weeks ago.

Laurence explaining the difference between various connectors.

Outside view on arrival.
Members on a previous visit to see the room

Club Activities……
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Made by Rosie
www.snipca.org/48419 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/45h2yqxr7w1feysc3ge1a/G3BRS20Feb2024APRSTrackerG7PAV-V2anon.pptx?rlkey=wmeh1eg6xbi4r347af4rukd3h&dl=0